How To Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

How To Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

Learn about emotional intelligence and how to develop this important skill.

Emotional intelligence is a type of intelligence that is defined as an ability to monitor and regulate one’s own and others’ emotions and to use emotions to facilitate one’s thoughts and actions (Brackett, Rivers, & Salovey, 2011). Emotional intelligence is often referred to as emotional quotient, or EQ (kind of like the emotional version of IQ).

What are the dimensions of emotional intelligence?

● Perception of emotion: Being able to identify and differentiate between different emotions and feelings.

● Use of emotion to facilitate thinking: Being able to use emotions to foster reasoning, problem-solving, and interpersonal communication.

● Understanding and analyzing emotions: Being able to understand the causes and meaning of emotions.

● Reflective regulation of emotions: Being able to prevent, reduce, enhance, or modify one’s own and others’ emotions.

What are the skills that make up emotional intelligence?

Just like other types of intelligence, you can grow your emotional intelligence. You can build your emotional skills and engage in emotion activities that help you better understand and work with your and others’ emotions. Here are some examples of skills you can build to increase your emotional intelligence.

● Positive thinking

● Resiliency

● Empathy

● Reappraisal

● Assertiveness

● Emotional expression

● Emotion regulation

● And many more

“In a very real sense we have two minds, one that thinks and one that feels”
― Daniel Goleman

To grow your emotional intelligence, focus on improving these four aspects of yourself:

1. Self-awareness

● Ask yourself, why do you do the things that you do?

● Reflect on your personal values to understand the why behind what you do.

● Get clear on your emotions to understand what you feel and why.

2. Self-management

● Close your eyes and breathe deeply for a few moments to be more present.

● Reframe the situation to see if you can find the silver linings.

● Take time to solve complex problems in your life and find the right solutions for you.

● Take care of your body and your health.

3. Social-awareness

● Be more present in your social interactions.

● Practice empathy and compassion to better understand why people who are different

from you do the things they do.

● Have a “back-pocket” question on hand—or a question you can ask to start up a conversation or defuse awkwardness.

4. Relationship management

● Practice gratitude for all the little things.

● Express your emotions by telling other people when you appreciate them, care for them, admire them, or feel positively about them in some other way.

● Explain your decisions and be willing to listen to why others make the decisions they make.

Building any or all of these skills can help boost emotional intelligence.

Benefits of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is linked to really important positive outcomes including:

● Better mental health

● Better social relationships:

● Improved academic and workplace success

In sum

Emotional intelligence is an important set of skills that improve the quality of your life. And good news! These skills can be built, even as an adult. So go ahead and start boosting your emotional intelligence.


● Brackett, M. A., Rivers, S. E., & Salovey, P. (2011). Emotional intelligence: Implications for personal, social, academic, and workplace success. Social and personality psychology compass, 5(1), 88-103.