What Is Loving-Kindness Meditation?

What Is Loving-Kindness Meditation?

Learn about a variety of loving-kindness meditations and why they are good for well-being.Have you heard about loving-kindness meditation but you’re not sure what it is or how to do it? Or, do you want to try some different kinds of loving-kindness meditation?...
What Is Somatic Therapy?

What Is Somatic Therapy?

Discover somatic therapy and how it can help you and the people you love.Many of our experiences in healing treat our mind and body like they are separate entities. The tradition of seeing things this way is called Cartesian dualism, named after the...
Why You Should Eat More Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Why You Should Eat More Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Here’s how to get more anti-inflammatory foods in your diet.Let’s first get clear on what inflammation is. Inflammation is our bodily response to an outside threat (Sears, 2015). By increasing the amount of blood and activity in certain parts of the body, our immune...
What Is Positive Reinforcement?

What Is Positive Reinforcement?

Learn how to harness this powerful principle to improve your life and the lives of others.Positive reinforcement is the process of increasing the future probability of some behavior by following that behavior with a pleasant or desirable consequence (Scott et al,...
What Is Humility and Why Does It Matter?

What Is Humility and Why Does It Matter?

Discover how humility can help you be a better human and live a more fulfilling life.Perhaps you’ve noticed that our culture places a lot of value on external accomplishments, looks, or status. Luckily, humility can help us transcend self-preoccupation and...