Learn about a variety of loving-kindness meditations and why they are good for well-being.Have you heard about loving-kindness meditation but you’re not sure what it is or how to do it? Or, do you want to try some different kinds of loving-kindness meditation?...
Discover how humility can help you be a better human and live a more fulfilling life.Perhaps you’ve noticed that our culture places a lot of value on external accomplishments, looks, or status. Luckily, humility can help us transcend self-preoccupation and...
Find out more about this skill and why it’s important for your professional and personal relationships.The need for connection and belonging is a fundamental human need, not only as young children but also as adults (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). We want others to...
Where does stonewalling come from, and how do we recognize and deal with it?Stonewalling is withdrawal from a conversation when the other person raises a criticism or concern (Gottman, 1989). In the face of a conversation that somebody does not want to have, they...
Discover what social scientists know about love, how it contributes to your wellbeing, and how to cultivate more love in your life.Love can be thought of as an “investment in the well-being of the other for his or her own sake” (Hegi & Bergner, 2010, p. 621). What...